預覽簡介:Two little girls of mobsters get out of the{Ziyuantun.Com} sanitarium after achieving murdered a boyfriend in the bath, purportedly healed and on the right track. They hold a party and ask all their old boyfriends, getting all of them believe there's still hope for a relationship. Then the men begin vanishing one by one... (机译)暴徒的两个小女孩出去实现谋杀了男友在浴后疗养院的,据称痊愈,在正确的轨{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他们举行了一个派对,并要求所有的旧男朋友,让所有的人都认为还是有希望的关系。那些人便开始消失一个接一个。