Tito (played by director Grace Glowicki in an unrecognisible transformation) is a young man ruled by fear and paranoia, unkempt and constantly terrified that the predators who have plagued his life might get him. One day Tito is shocked to discover a neighbour intruding into his home. The neighbour befriends Tito, but he never seems to leave. With her debut feature, Glowicki has skilfully crafted a study of predatory abuse and fear, flipping them back to the masculine psyche from where they have originated, and prese【ZiYuanTun.Com】nting a film which is often hilarious, but just as often harrowing. 译文(2): 蒂托(由导演格蕾丝 · 格洛维奇(Grace Glowicki)饰演)是一个被恐惧和偏执所统治的年轻人,蓬头垢面,不断地害怕困扰他一生的掠食者可能会抓住{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一天,铁托震惊地发现一个邻居闯进了他的家。邻居和提托交朋友,但他似乎从未离开过。在她的处女作中,Glowicki 巧妙地构建了一个关于掠夺性虐待和恐惧的研究,将他们从男性的心理起源中反转出来,并且呈现了一个经常是滑稽的,但是同样经常是令人痛苦的电影。