After being locked up in an institution for several years for a personality disorder and murder, Kristen Birger is released on parole. By means of therapy the medical staff of St. Carrol's Psych{Ziyuantun.Com}iatric Institution instructs her to return to her former apartment where she committed the crime seven years earlier. The moment she arrives at her flat, past and present seem to take her on a rollercoaster ride of fear. On top of that, a mysterious man and religious fanatic, living in the room next to hers, has a hidden agenda. 译文(2): Kristen Birger 因为人格障碍和谋杀被关在精神病院几年后,获得假{资源屯}。通过治疗,圣卡罗尔精神病院的医务人员指示她回到她七年前犯罪的旧公寓。她回到自己公寓的那一刻,无论是过去还是现在,似乎都让她坐上了恐惧的过山车。最重要的是,住在她隔壁的一个神秘男子和宗教狂热分子,有一个不为人知的计划。