Hiding in a narrow branch of a river, deep within the Amazon rain forest, is a strange animal that one wouldn't expect to find here, thousands of kilometers away from the ocean: the Pink River Dolphin, one of the most mysterious and extraordinary species of the animal kingdom. Where does it come from? How different is it from other dolphins? How was it able to adapt to this lush, tropical rain forest environment? Are they descendants of a marine species, or do they belong to an entirely separate lineage born in ancient times? Scientists have been struggling to reconstruct the evolutionary course of this long overlooked creature. Now thanks to a recent discovery, they are finally able to retrace its origins and its incredible adaptation that has spanned over 25 million years. Join them on this remarkable scientific adventure as they unravel the mystery of the pink dolphin... 译文(2): 隐藏在亚马逊雨林深处一条狭窄的河流分支中,[ZiYuantun.Com]有一种奇怪的动物,人们想不到会在这里发现,它距离海洋数千公里: 粉红河海豚,动物王国中最神秘和最不寻常的物种之{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。它是从哪里来的?它和其他海豚有什么不同?它是如何适应这种郁郁葱葱的热带雨林环境的呢?它们是海洋物种的后代,还是属于古代出生的一个完全独立的血统?科学家们一直在努力重建这种长期被忽视的生物的进化过程。现在多亏了最近的一项发现,他们终于能够追溯它的起源和它跨越了2500万年的不可思议的适应性。和他们一起进行这次非凡的科学探险他们将揭开粉红海豚的神秘面纱。