'El Chivo' (the Mountain Goat) is what the indigenous T【ZiYuanTun.Com】arahumara Indians of Mexico's Copper Canyons call Runner Will Harlan ever since he won the Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon in 2009, a race made infamous in the bestseller 'Born to Run.' Since Harlan's first visit with the Tarahumara, who are renown for long distance running and their sustainable life-style, he's dramatically changed the way his family lives by moving to an off-the-grid farm in North Carolina, where they grow their food and run a non-profit for the Tarahumara. El Chivo chronicles what motivates Harlan to live life this deliberately by showing the physical and mental demands while also detailing the toll it takes on the family of an altruistic, elite Ultra Marathoner. 译文(2): “ El Chivo”(山羊)是墨西哥铜峡谷的原住民塔拉乌马拉印第安人对跑步者威尔 · 哈兰的称呼,自从他在2009年赢得铜峡谷超级马拉松比赛以来,这个比赛在畅销书《为跑而生》中臭名昭著自从哈伦第一次拜访以长跑和可持续生活方式闻名的塔拉乌马拉人以来,他戏剧性地改变了他的家庭生活方式,他们搬到了北卡罗来纳州的一个隐蔽的农场,在那里他们种植粮食,并为塔拉乌马拉人经营一家非盈利机{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。《 El Chivo 》记录了哈兰故意过这种生活的动机,展示了身体和精神上的需求,同时也详细描述了这种需求给一个利他主义的精英超级马拉松运动员的家庭带来的损失。