Holden Layfield helps audiences through his harrowing tale in this film set in the early 1990s. After succumbing to a secret battle with mental illness, 17-year old Holden devolves from a gregarious, small-town Georgian football player to a lost, self-medicating prophet. This import[ZiYuantun.Com]ant film portrays the complexity of mental illness and suicide in teens, offers insight to prevention, and opens the door to conversation about this difficult but critical community concern. 译文(3): Holden Layfield在这部以20世纪90年代初为背景的电影中帮助观众讲述了他的悲惨故{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在与精神疾病的秘密斗争中,17岁的霍尔登从一个合群的格鲁吉亚小镇足球运动员变成了一个迷失的、自我治疗的先知。这部重要的电影描绘了青少年精神疾病和自杀的复杂性,为预防提供了见解,并为谈论这一困难但关键的社区问题打开了大门。