The Coming Convergence

The Coming Convergence



    • 主演: Ray


    The Coming Convergence was filmed and produced by the award winning production company, Ingenuity Films. In addition to traditional documentary style elements; presentation of groundbreaking information and interviews from well-known theological experts, The Coming Convergence also pulls you deeper into the reality of an approaching apocalypse as you follow the story of a young girl that is livi[ZiYuantun.Com]ng through the end of days. Her words of warning are a wakeup call to the horrors mankind will soon face. The conclusions of The Coming Convergence explain both how the scenarios described within Revelation are converging before our very eyes and why everything that must come to pass is of man's choosing.   译文(2): 《即将到来的汇合》由获奖制片公司 Ingenity Film 拍摄并制{资源屯}。除了传统的纪录片风格的元素,突破性的信息介绍和著名的神学专家的采访,即将到来的趋同也拉你更深入的现实,即将到来的启示录,因为你跟随一个年轻女孩的故事,生活在世界末日。她的警告是对人类即将面临的恐怖的警告。《即将到来的汇合》的结论解释了启示录中描述的场景是如何在我们眼前汇合的,以及为什么一切必须发生的事情都是人类的选择。

