"100 Years"[ZiYuantun.Com] is the David vs. Goliath story of Elouise Cobell, a petite, Native American Warrior who filed the largest class action lawsuit ever filed against the United States Government and WON a $3.4 billion settlement for 300,000 Native Americans whose mineral-rich lands were mismanaged by the Department of the Interior. Written by Melinda Janko 译文(2): 《100年》讲述了身材娇小的美国原住民勇士埃洛伊丝 · 科贝尔(Elouise Cobell)对美国政府提起的规模最大的集体诉讼,并以34亿美元的价格和解了30万美洲原住民,他们的富矿土地由内政部管理不{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。作者: Melinda Janko