The Mama Sherpas

The Mama Sherpas



    • 主演: 未知


    In 2012, one in three babies in America were delivered by c-section, despite the World H【ZiYuanTun.Com】ealth Organization's recommendation that Cesarean births remain below 15 percent. How can these disturbing trend be reversed? In recent years, the idea of a collaborative care practice where doctors and midwives manage women's care together has begun to gain traction in the United States. The Mama Sherpas is a feature-length documentary film about women receiving their maternity care through midwife-doctor teams. We follow nurse midwives, the doctors they work with, and their patients to provide an investigative lens into how midwives work within the hospital system.   译文(2): 2012年,美国三分之一的婴儿是通过剖腹产分娩的,尽管世界卫生组织建议剖腹产率保持在15% 以{资源屯}。如何扭转这些令人不安的趋势?近年来,医生和助产士共同管理妇女护理的合作护理实践的想法已经开始在美国获得支持。《夏尔巴妈妈》是一部长篇纪录片,讲述了妇女通过助产士-医生团队接受产科护理的故事。我们跟踪护士助产士,与他们一起工作的医生,以及他们的病人,以提供一个调查镜头,如何在医院系统内的助产士的工作。

