This film{Ziyuantun.Com} is about the Walton family. The mother (Maggie) and her son (Cole) head off after saying goodbye to Cole's father only to have an accident near a country farm. They are found by a farmer called Lukas Walton who takes them to his farm and they are never seen by the father again. It's now 8 years later and the father gets a call from someone who claims to be his son Cole. So the father hires an ex detective to go back to the County where his family went missing. But the Detective finds that there's something more than just a missing persons case here. He also thinks that the local Sheriff (Doug Bradley) is keeping something from him. Lukas is raising Cole as his own son, and things escalate from there. But what has happened to the mother Maggie? 译文(2): 这部电影是关于沃尔顿一家{资源屯}。这位母亲(麦琪)和她的儿子(科尔)在和科尔的父亲告别后出发了,结果在一个乡村农场附近发生了意外。一个叫卢卡斯 · 沃尔顿的农民发现了它们,他把它们带到了自己的农场,父亲再也没有见过它们。八年后的今天,父亲接到一个自称是他儿子科尔的人的电话。所以他父亲雇了一个前警探回到他家人失踪的县里。但警探发现这不仅仅是一起失踪案。他还认为当地警长(道格 · 布拉德利)有事瞒着他。卢卡斯把科尔当亲生儿子一样抚养然后事情就升级了。但母亲玛姬怎么了?