X: The Unheard Music

X: The Unheard Music




    They all said X's music is "too hard, too wild, too insane, too dirty," said Ray Manzarek of the Doors, spouting excuses made by the reams of record companies that passed on what would become one of the most essential, celebrated and admired West Coast bands of the late 20th century. Manzarek produced the first three albums for the pioneering punk-rock quartet (vocalist Exene Cervenka, bassist/vocalist John Doe, guitarist Billy Zoom and drummer D.J. Bonebrake) and plays a supporting role in this long out-of-print documentary, which impeccably details the hostility and exploitation of the eighties L.A. underground. The 85-minute film includes interviews and band rehearsals, and captures X at its zenith--potent, teeth-rattling live versions of "Year One," "Come Back to Me," "Real Child of Hell," and "Johnny Hit & Run Paulene"--as well as behind-the-scenes gems like an MCA executive boasting the merits of eighties' posers Point Blank and Doe and Cervenka crooning Hank Williams' "Ramblin' Man" in their living room. Part "The Kid's Are Alright," part "The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle," "The Unheard Music" is a well-crafted visual diary and a revolutionary soundtrack from a band whose story continues to rewrit{Ziyuantun.Com}e itself 20 years after the original release.   译文(2): 他们都说 X 的音乐“太难了,太狂野了,太疯狂了,太肮脏了,”大门乐队的雷 · 曼扎雷克(Ray Manzarek)说,他滔滔不绝地说出了大量唱片公司的借口,这些借口将这支后来成为20世纪末西海岸最重要、最著名、最受尊敬的乐队之一的乐队传承了下{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。Manzarek 为朋克摇滚四重奏(歌手 Exene Cervenka,贝斯手/歌手 John Doe,吉他手 Billy Zoom 和鼓手 D.J。 Bonebroke)制作了前三张专辑,并在这部长期绝版的纪录片中扮演配角,这部纪录片无可挑剔地详细描述了80年代洛杉矶地下乐队的敌意和剥削。这部85分钟的电影包括采访和乐队排练,并抓住了 X 在其顶峰——强有力的,令人牙齿打颤的现场版本的“元年”,“回到我身边”,“真正的地狱之子”和“约翰尼打 & 运行波琳”——以及幕后的宝石像一个 MCA 主管吹嘘80年代的装模作样的点布兰克和多伊和瑟文卡低吟汉克威廉姆斯的“漫步的人”在他们的客厅。第一部分“孩子们很好”,第二部分“伟大的摇滚骗局”,“未听到的音乐”是一个精心制作的视觉日记和一个乐队的革命性的配乐,他们的故事在原版发行20年后继续改写自己。

