




    Traumatized by an terrifying event in her youth, Claire Thompson tries to exorcise her demons by revisiting the old house where a terrible children's massacre took place. Now a haunted house attraction set up by impressario Walston Rey, the former foster home run by the evil Miss Darrode is set to open for the press and Walston recruits Claire and several of her fellow acting class students to perform as part of the show. Unfortunately, a series of horrible murders happen at the haunted house, generating from the malevolent spirit of the departed Miss Darrode. A group of young actors is recruited to work for the "Dark House," a new haunted house attraction built by impresario, Walston Rey. His revolutionary new holographic system projects images of monsters throughout the house in an infinite number of variations.   译文(2): 克莱尔 · 汤普森年轻时受到一件可怕事件的创伤,她试图通过重访发生可怕的儿童大屠杀的老房子来驱除心中的恶{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。现在,一个鬼屋的吸引力建立了沃尔斯顿雷,前寄养家庭经营的邪恶小姐达罗德是开放给媒体和沃尔斯顿招募克莱尔和她的几个同学表演的一部分,表演班学生。不幸的是,鬼屋里发生了一系列可怕的谋杀案由已故的达罗德小姐的恶灵引发。一群年轻演员被招募为“黑屋”工作,这是一个新的鬼屋景点,由经理人沃尔斯顿 · 雷伊建造。他的革命性的新全息系统在整个房子里投射出无数变化的怪[ZiYuantun.Com]物形象。

