Soe Hok Gie is an activist who lived in the sixties. Set in the darkest era of Indonesian modern history, GIE is an interpretation of what happened based on his journal. He is a history student when his world stretches between politics and personal life. A critical young man, he sounds his great concerns about his collapsing nation. Yet, he is sensitive and romantic. He loves to explore the mountains, to admire the great beauty of nature. His life is a clash between the high drama of national political events and the small world of friendship and romance. He is falling apart when he sees that his constant battle for justice and truth gives labor to another dictatorial regime, and caused the massacre of millions suspected communists, including his childhood friend. He continues to fight but his uncompromised idealism drives people away. His best friends left him. The woman he loves rejects him. From time to time, nature is a place where Gie finds peace and it's where his life comes to an end. Gie dies on the summit of the highest mountain in Java, just a day b[ZiYuantun.Com]efore his 27th birthday. Written by Miles Films 译文(2): Soe Hok Gie 是一个活跃在六十年代的活动{资源屯}。故事发生在印度尼西亚现代史上最黑暗的时代,GIE 是根据他的日记对所发生事情的解读。当他的世界介于政治和个人生活之间时,他是一个历史系的学生。作为一个挑剔的年轻人,他表达了自己对国家崩溃的巨大担忧。然而,他是敏感和浪漫的。他喜欢探险,欣赏大自然的大美。他的一生是国家政治事件的高度戏剧性与友谊和浪漫的小世界之间的冲突。当他看到自己不断为正义和真理而战,为另一个独裁政权提供了劳动力,并导致数百万共产主义嫌疑人被屠杀,包括他儿时的朋友时,他崩溃了。他继续战斗,但他毫不妥协的理想主义让人们远离他。他最好的朋友离开了他。他爱的女人拒绝了他。有时,大自然是纪找到平静的地方,也是他生命结束的地方。吉在他27岁生日的前一天死于爪哇岛最高峰的山顶。迈尔斯电影公司编剧