Riding with Sugar

Riding with Sugar




    Once a scholarship student with a great future, Joshua dreams of winning a BMX cycling championship as a[ZiYuantun.Com] means to finding a better life, but fate intervenes in the form of an accident that shatters his knee. He is given shelter and a job by Mambo who houses refugee teenagers from all over Africa. When Joshua meets Olivia, a talented young dancer of mixed race from a well-to-do family, it brings him into a world he has never known before. Her insights cast a shadow over Mambo's agenda and cause Joshua to rise above all odds and find a way to a brighter future.   译文(2): 约书亚曾经是一个有着美好未来的奖学金获得者,他梦想着能够赢得一个小轮车自行车比赛的冠军,以此来寻找更好的生活,但是命运以一次意外的形式干预了他的膝{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。Mambo 为他提供住所和工作,Mambo 为来自非洲各地的难民青少年提供住所。当约书亚遇到奥利维亚,一个来自富裕家庭的有才华的年轻混血舞者,这把他带到了一个他从来没有见过的世界。她的洞察力给曼波的计划投下了阴影,使得约书亚克服了一切困难,找到了一条通往更光明未来的道路。

