The Plot Against the President

The Plot Against the President





The true story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the President of the United States. Following the book The Plot Against the President by investigative journalist Lee Smith, this feature length documentary explores new information and additional interviews as the case unfolds. All Americans and most of the world know about "Russiagate '' but most people would not be able to explain exactly what happened, and why it was the biggest political scandal in US history. This film will be a guide, and a basis for which people will understand the events related to this case as they continue to unfold every day. There is no topic more relevant to the current political landscape. This film captures the story directly from the people who lived it, including interviews with sources who won{Ziyuantun.Com}'t provide interviews on this topic to any other film or media. Like Lee Smith's book it will be known as the authoritative version of events, the actual truth with no spin. The book debuted October 29th, 2019 and instantly became the number one best seller on Amazon across all topics, not just in political non-fiction, where it continues to top charts today.   译文(2): 关于国会议员 Devin Nunes 是如何揭露,推翻美国总统的行动的真实故{资源屯}。继调查记者李 · 史密斯的《反对总统的阴谋》一书之后,这部长篇纪录片随着案件的展开探索了新的信息和额外的采访。所有的美国人和世界上的大多数人都知道“俄罗斯门”,但是大多数人无法解释到底发生了什么,以及为什么这是美国历史上最大的政治丑闻。这部电影将是一个指南,一个基础,人们将理解与这个案件有关的事件,因为他们继续展开每一天。没有比这个话题更适合当前政治形势的了。这部电影直接从亲身经历的人们那里捕捉到了这个故事,包括对那些不愿意向其他电影或媒体提供这个话题采访的消息来源的采访。就像李 · 史密斯的书一样,这本书将以事件的权威性版本而闻名,没有任何歪曲的真相。这本书于2019年10月29日首次出版,并立即成为亚马逊上所有主题的头号畅销书,不仅仅是在政治类非虚构类书籍中,今天它仍然位居榜首。


