American Wisper

American Wisper



    • 主演: 盖尔·塞缪尔斯


    'Wisper' is the[ZiYuantun.Com] true of the murder of a middle-class African American family. In June 2016, three children and their mother were found shot to death at their suburban home in Northern New Jersey, and discovered by father and husband Josiah Wisper - a brash businessman who owned bars, restaurants and real estate in Harlem, N.Y. Josiah Wisper was eventually ruled out as a suspect by law enforcement officials, but never in the eyes of those in his community, the people he had known for nearly half his life. Josiah quickly embarks on a search to find out who killed his family. His personal video recordings and diaries take us to family, friends, police precincts, newspapers, drug dens, and street-gang hangouts - all in the hope of piecing together the clues needed to solve this tragic crime. Wisper's "on-camera" journey takes us on a roller-coaster ride of emotions leading to a shocking conclusion - and Josiah's final discovery of what it takes to be a man. 'Wisper' is inspired by true events, and is directed by Russ Emanuel and produced by Howard Nash.   译文(2): 《低语》讲述的是一个非裔美国中产阶级家庭被谋杀的真实故{资源屯}。2016年6月,三个孩子和他们的母亲在新泽西州北部郊区的家中被发现被枪杀,发现者是父亲和丈夫乔西亚 · 威斯珀(Josiah Wisper)。他是一名傲慢的商人,在纽约州哈莱姆区拥有酒吧、餐馆和房地产。执法官员最终排除了乔西亚 · 威斯珀的嫌疑,但在他所在社区的人眼里,这些人几乎认识了他半辈子。约西亚很快开始寻找杀害他家人的凶手。他的个人录像和日记带我们去了家人、朋友、警察局、报纸、毒品窝点和街头帮派聚集地——所有这些都希望能拼凑出解决这起悲剧性犯罪所需的线索。威斯珀的“镜头前”之旅让我们经历了一次情绪的过山车之旅,最终得出了一个令人震惊的结论——这也是约西亚对成为一个男人的最终发现。《窃窃私语》的灵感来自真实事件,导演是拉斯 · 伊曼纽尔,制片人是霍华德 · 纳什。

