The film follows Lisa Wade, a single mom who is forced to move in with her father-in-law after the death of her husband.[ZiYuantun.Com] She takes a job as a caretaker to Justine, a young girl with spina bifida in what turns out to be a racist household. At first an unlikely pair, the two become friends and ultimately help one another grow and change. 译文(2): 这部电影讲述的是丽莎 · 韦德的故事,她是一位单身母亲,在丈夫去世后被迫搬去和岳父同{资源屯}。她找了一份照顾 Justine 的工作,Justine 是一个患有脊柱裂的年轻女孩,在一个种族歧视的家庭里。一开始,这对不可思议的情侣成为了朋友,并最终帮助彼此成长和改变。