Roland Rebers Todesrevue

Roland Rebers Todesrevue



    • 主演: WaltrautChristianMarinaMira埃基·盖普AntjeWolfgang


    What is life? Is it the yearning of a lover, the fear of growing old, the rebellious struggle for a dignified death or the hunt for the most clicks? Is it maybe just a show? ROLAND REBER'S CABARET OF DEATH paints a multi-layered picture of existence and puts the taboo subject of death back in line into the circle of life. In various storylines a ruined relationship crosses paths with an old man begging for euthanasia, a live show featuring candidates who are mercilessly sacrificed to the audience, a dancer who cannot escape ageing despite her self-optimization and a man with the mask who craves to be famous at all costs. And between all this, a corpse driver rolls his "clients" through a long corridor and shares his very personal and unaffected thoughts about life and death. "The film was once a stage play which I produced following my father's death. It was in 1984. Many viewers thought there wasn't anything like such an interactive entertainment show in which contestants would endure every humiliation for a few likes. Today these shows exist. 'The dignity of men is unimpeachable' - that is the central topic of the film for me, the respectful relation to yourself and to others. In life as well as in death. And it starts with language, inter alia. We treat words the same way we treat people. We are living in a social situation heated up by the media and it's about time that we find our way back to a real discourse so we can act better toward each other." (Roland Reber)   译文(2): 生命是什么?是对爱人的渴望,对变老的恐惧,为体面的死亡而反抗的斗争,还是对最多点击量的追求?也许只是一场表演?罗兰 · 雷贝尔的《死亡之歌》描绘了一幅多层次的存在图景,并将死亡这一禁忌主题重新纳入生命的循{资源屯}。在各种各样的故事情节中,一段破碎的关系与一个乞求安乐死的老人交织在一起,一场现场表演中,候选人被无情地牺牲给观众,一个舞蹈演员尽管自我优化却无法逃脱衰老,一个戴着面具的男人不惜一切代价渴望出名。在所有这一切之间,一个尸体司机推着他的“客户”穿过一条长长的走廊,分享他非常个{Ziyuantun.Com}人和不受影响的关于生与死的想法。“这部电影曾经是我父亲去世后制作的一部舞台剧。那是1984年。许多观众认为,没有任何东西像这样的互动娱乐节目中的参赛者会忍受每一个屈辱的几个喜欢。今天这些节目仍然存在。“男人的尊严是无懈可击的”——这是这部电影的中心主题,也是对自己和他人的尊重。无论生死。首先是语言,特别是。我们对待语言就像对待人一样。我们生活在一个被媒体炒得沸沸扬扬的社会环境中,是时候找到一条回归真实话语的道路了,这样我们才能更好地对待彼此。”(Roland Reber)


