Columbus in America

Columbus in America



    • 主演: 未知


    Filmmaker Paul Puglisi traveled across the US to make sense of the controversy s[ZiYuantun.Com]urrounding of one of America's most enduring symbols - Christopher Columbus. Conversations with cultural leaders, historians, activists, authors and educators bring to life the perspectives that molded a 15th century sailor into a genocidal conqueror, a messenger of Christ, a cultural icon and a patriotic hero in a land he never knew existed. With our current socially and politically charged atmosphere in America, young people who have been raised with instant access to information are learning what they aren't taught in school about the consequences of one of the most monumental events in human history. They are leading a movement to re-think what Columbus stands for in a nation guilty of its own atrocities against Native Peoples.   译文(2): 电影制片人保罗 · 普利西(Puglisi)走遍美国,想弄清围绕美国最经久不衰的象征之一——克里斯托弗·哥伦布的争{资源屯}。通过与文化领袖、历史学家、活动家、作家和教育家的交谈,我们看到了一个15世纪的水手在一片他从未知晓的土地上成为种族灭绝的征服者、基督的使者、文化偶像和爱国英雄的过程。在当前美国充满社会和政治气氛的环境下,那些从小接触即时信息的年轻人正在学习他们在学校里没有学到的有关人类历史上最重大事件之一的后果的知识。他们正在领导一场运动,重新思考哥伦布在一个对土著人民犯下暴行的国家所代表的意义。

