This short documentary follows the fortunes of iconic car manufacturer 'Lotus'. In the past 'Lotus' has been famous for producing championship winning race cars and iconic sports cars, but it has struggled to remain in profit. With a new investor and managing director at the helm, they set out to build the first new Lotus road cars in over a decade. From the last ever petrol powered car, the 'Emira' and also their first pure electric British hypercar the 2000 brake horsepower 'Evija'. 译文(2): 这部纪录短片跟踪了标志性汽车制造商“莲花”的命{资源屯}。过去,“莲花”一直以生产冠军赛车和标志性跑车而闻名,但它一直在努力维持[ZiYuantun.Com]利润。在一位新投资者和董事总经理的掌舵下,他们开始着手制造10多年来的首批新莲花公路汽车。从有史以来最后的汽油动力汽车,’埃米拉’,也是他们的第一个纯电动英国超级跑车2000制动马力’埃维贾’。