A tribute to the spirit and humanity of people who are physically different from the average: very tall and very large men and women, a bearded woman and her long-time husband, Siamese twins joined at the midsection, and several little people including actor Billy Barty. We meet some at Gibsonton, Florida, where carnival folk winter. They talk about their lives and accomplishments. The camera also goes on the road to visit a grandfather with a distinctive face, a legless mechanic from Kentucky on a second honeymoon in LA, a marathon runner and motivational speaker who has no feet, a karate student with partial limbs, and an armless, down-to-earth mom in Texas. 译文(3): 这是对身体与普通人不同的人的精神和人性的致敬:非常高大的男人和女人,一个留着胡子的女人和她的长期丈夫,暹罗双胞胎在腹部加入,包括演员比利·巴蒂在内的几个小人{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。我们在佛罗里达{Ziyuantun.Com}州的吉布森顿(Gibsonton)遇到了一些人,那里是狂欢节的民俗冬季。他们谈论自己的生活和成就。镜头还将在路上探访一位面容独特的爷爷,一位在洛杉矶度第二次蜜月的肯塔基州无腿机械师,一位没有脚的马拉松选手和励志演说家,一位四肢残缺的空手道学生,以及德克萨斯州一位无臂、脚踏实地的妈妈。