In the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre that took the lives of 20 first graders and their teachers, local clergymen Father Bob Weiss receives a letter from a fellow priest i【ZiYuanTun.Com】n Dunblane, Scotland, whose community suffered an eerily similar fate in 1996. From across the Atlantic, the two priests forge a poignant bond through the shared experience of trauma and healing. 译文(2): 2012年的桑迪胡克小学屠杀夺去了20名一年级学生和他们的老师的生命,当地的牧师鲍勃 · 韦斯神父收到了一封来自邓布兰一位牧师的信,他的社区在1996年遭受了类似的可怕命{资源屯}。在大西洋彼岸,两位牧师通过共同的创伤和治疗经历建立了一种强烈的联系。