For over a thousand years, a secretive Buddhist sect has lived in an isolated monastery in Japan performing acts of extreme physical endurance in their pursuit of enlightenment. A filmmaker, struggling to reconcile his desires with his faith, sets off to the strict monastery in search of answers. When he arrives, his presence is not welcomed and the only monk who will speak with him is an outcast who prefers ice cream and Slayer to meditation. Together they forge an unlikely friendship that leads them to higher truths and occasionally, a little trouble. Shot over five years on three continents, Crows are White【ZiYuanTun.Com】 is an exploration of truth, faith and love, from the top of a mountain to the bottom of a sundae. 译文(2): 一千多年来,一个隐秘的佛教教派一直生活在日本一个与世隔绝的寺院里,他们在寻求开悟的过程中表现出极端的身体忍耐{资源屯}。一个电影制作人,努力调和他的愿望与他的信仰,出发到严格的寺院寻找答案。当他到达时,他的存在是不受欢迎的,唯一的和尚谁会与他说话是一个排斥谁喜欢冰淇淋和杀手,而不是冥想。他们一起建立了一种不太可能的友谊,这种友谊会带领他们走向更高的真理,偶尔也会带来一点小麻烦。在三大洲拍摄了五年,《乌鸦是白色》是一部探索真理、信仰和爱的电影,从山顶到圣代的底部。