



    • 主演: 未知


    The Downing of the Ukrainian passenger flight 752 over the skies of Tehran on January 8, 2020 shook the world. All 176 passengers were killed, among them women, children, university students and academics, many of them residents or citizens of Canada. The tragedy occurred during renewed tensions between Iran and the United States following the killing of an Irania【ZiYuanTun.Com】n general in Iraq. Iran's retaliation for the general's killing was a missile attack on U.S. military installations near Baghdad on the morning of January 8. The exchange heightened the tensions with both sides bracing for military escalation. The ill-fated Ukrainian passenger airline took off from the Tehran International airport shortly after 6am and within 3 minutes, it was struck by two surface-to-air missiles from a nearby military base operated by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The downing was initially claimed to be an accident, a technical failure of sorts. As the world learned of the missile attacks, it took no more than a few hours after the missiles attacks for the site to be cleared by bulldozers and all evidence to be destroyed. Dr. Hamed Esmaeilion, a dentist in Toronto was leading an ordinary quiet life with his wife and nine-year-old daughter. They were among the victims aboard flight PS752. The dentist from Toronto was thrust into extraordinary circumstances in his fight for justice and to find the truth behind what took the lives of his wife and daughter.   译文(2): 2020年1月8日,一架乌克兰752客机在德黑兰上空坠毁,震惊了世{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。176名乘客全部遇难,其中包括妇女、儿童、大学生和学者,其中许多人是加拿大居民或公民。这起悲剧发生在伊朗和美国之间在一名伊朗将军在伊拉克被杀后再次出现紧张局势之时。伊朗对这位将军遇害的报复是1月8日上午对巴格达附近美国军事设施的导弹袭击。这次交谈加剧了紧张局势,双方都在为军事升级做准备。这架倒霉的乌克兰客机在早上六点多从德黑兰国际机场起飞,不到三分钟就被附近伊斯兰革命卫队军事基地发射的两枚地对空导弹击中。最初,人们声称这次坠机是一次事故,一次技术故障。全世界了解到导弹袭击,导弹袭击后不到几个小时,推土机就清除了现场,销毁了所有证据。多伦多的牙医 Hamed Esmaeilion 医生和他的妻子以及九岁的女儿过着平凡而安静的生活。他们是 PS752航班的遇难者之一。这位来自多伦多的牙医在为正义而战的过程中陷入了非同寻常的境地,他要找出夺走他妻子和女儿生命的真相。

