The feature documentary Searching for Mr. Rugoff is the story of Donald Rugoff, who was the crazy genius behind Cinema 5, the mid-century theater chain and film distribution company. Rugoff was a difficult (some would say impossible) person but was also the man who kicked art films into the mainstream with outrageous marketing schemes and pure bluster. Rugoff's impact on cinema culture in the United States[ZiYuantun.Com] is inestimable, and his influence on the art film business-from the studio classics divisions to the independent film movement to the rise of the Weinsteins-is undeniable. Yet, mysteriously, Rugoff has become a virtually forgotten figure. The story is told through the eyes of former employee Ira Deutchman, who sets out to find the truth about the man who had such a major impact on his life, and to understand how such an important figure could have disappeared so completely. 译文(2): 故事片《寻找拉戈夫先生》讲述的是唐纳德 · 拉戈夫的故事,他是中世纪连锁影院和电影发行公司 Cinema 5背后的疯狂天{资源屯}。拉戈夫是一个难以相处的人(有些人会说不可能) ,但他也是一个用骇人听闻的营销计划和纯粹的虚张声势将艺术电影推向主流的人。鲁格夫对美国电影文化的影响是不可估量的,他对艺术电影产业的影响——从电影公司的经典部门到独立电影运动,再到温斯坦家族的崛起——是不可否认的。然而,神秘的是,拉戈夫已经成为一个几乎被遗忘的人物。这个故事是通过前雇员 Ira Deutchman 的眼睛讲述的,他着手寻找这个对他的生活有如此重大影响的人的真相,并理解为什么这样一个重要的人物会如此彻底地消失。