Jeannie, a teenage girl attending Amorosa High, joins the school cheerleading squad as a means of finally attaining the success and social independence 【ZiYuanTun.Com】that was out of reach in the strict household her parents maintain. The liberated attitude of her new friends becomes all the more evident when they come up with a plan to help the football team win the big game by kidnapping and raping everyone on the opposing team until they're too tired to even take the field. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher {} 译文(2): Jeannie,一个在 Amorosa 高中上学的少女,加入了学校的啦啦队,作为最终获得成功和社会独立的一种手段,这在她父母严格维护的家庭中是遥不可及{资源屯}。当她的新朋友们想出一个计划,通过绑架和强奸对方球队的每个人来帮助球队赢得比赛,直到他们太累甚至不能上场时,他们的自由态度变得更加明显。作者 Jean-Marc Rocher { }