The story, penned by the two directors, follows Cian, a young Gaelic footballer who is the victim of an attack on a night out, and who will struggle to come to terms with a career-ending injury. Lakelands follows him as he undertakes a search for his own identity in a small town in the Irish midlands, where Gaelic football is a religion and your identity is defined by what you can do on the pitch. 译文(2): 这个故事由两位导[ZiYuantun.Com]演共同撰写,讲述了年轻的盖尔足球运动员西安在一次夜间外出活动中受到攻击,他将努力与职业生涯终结的伤病做斗{资源屯}。在爱尔兰中部的一个小镇里,雷克兰兹追随着他,寻找自己的身份。在那里,盖尔足球是一种宗教,你的身份是由你在球场上的表现决定的。