Ronald Wright's bestseller A Short History Of Progress 【ZiYuanTun.Com】inspired this cinematic requiem to progress-as-usual. Throughout human history, what seemed like progress often backfired. Some of the world's foremost thinkers, activists, financiers and scientists challenge us to overcome 'progress traps,' which destroyed past civilizations and lie treacherously embedded in our own. 译文(2): 罗纳德 · 怀特的畅销书《进步的短暂历史》激发了这部电影安魂曲的灵感,让它像往常一样进{资源屯}。纵观人类历史,看似进步的东西往往事与愿违。世界上一些最重要的思想家、活动家、金融家和科学家向我们发出挑战,要求我们克服“进步陷阱”,这些陷阱摧毁了过去的文明,并且背信弃义地植根于我们自己的文明之中。