




    Ukrainian folk song "Shchedryk" which was sung on Christmas Eve with good wishes, became a worldwide hit thanks to American authors by the name of "Carol of the Bells". The film is a symbol of unity of nations like the song "Shchedryk" - "Carol of the Bells". The epitome of the globe in the film is a large two-story house where three families of different nationalities live together like three countries on Earth. They live peacefully and amicably until the invaders come to their home, namely like they came to all of Europe, and ruin their piece as well as the world one. However, a little talented girl believes in the power of magic of "Shchedryk" and sings this song trying to restore the good by herself. Today this film is more actual than ever. History repeats itself. Many people go through the separation of nations refusing good. While watching a sweet talented child on the screen, people will be reminded what indifference and dissension may lead to. The song that unites all nations...   译文(2): 乌克兰民歌《施切德里克》在圣诞前夜被人们献上了美好的祝福,由于美国作家“钟声颂歌”的名字,这首歌在世界范围内大受欢{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这部电影是国家团结的象征,就像歌曲“ Shchedryk”-“钟声颂歌”。影片中地球的缩影是一栋两层楼的大房子,三个不同国籍的家庭像地球上的三个国家一样生活在一起。他们和平友好地生活着,直到入侵者来到他们的家园,就像他们来到整个欧洲一样,毁掉了他们的作品,也毁掉了整个世界。然而,一个才华横溢[ZiYuantun.Com]的小女孩相信魔法的力量“施切德瑞克”和唱这首歌试图恢复自己的好。今天这部电影比以往任何时候都更真实。历史在重演。许多人经历过国与国之间的分离,拒绝行善。当人们在屏幕上看到一个可爱的天才儿童时,他们会想到冷漠和争吵可能导致的后果。这首将所有国家团结在一起的歌。

