简介:The personalities of two former baseball players clash as they{Ziyuantun.Com} traverse the rural back roads of a post-plague New England teeming with the undead. 译文(2): 两名前棒球运动员在瘟疫过后的新英格兰乡间小路上穿行时发生了性格冲突,小路上到处都是不死生物。
The personalities of two former baseball players clash as they{Ziyuantun.Com} traverse the rural back roads of a post-plague New England teeming with the undead. 译文(2): 两名前棒球运动员在瘟疫过后的新英格兰乡间小路上穿行时发生了性格冲突,小路上到处都是不死生{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。
The personalities of two former baseball players clash as they{Ziyuantun.Com} traverse the rural back roads of a post-plague New England teeming with the undead. 译文(2): 两名前棒球运动员在瘟疫过后的新英格兰乡间小路上穿行时发生了性格冲突,小路上到处都是不死生{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。