Cry In The Wind is a true story {Ziyuantun.Com}of a young woman's abuction by a deranged loner that led to the largest manhunt in the history of Pennsylvania, USA. A mountain man kidnaps the 17 year old, his chilling plan to get himself a woman - and keep her forever. Thus begins the ordeal. Written by Keith Rogers 译文(3): 《在风中哭泣》是一个真实的故事,讲述了一名年轻女子被一名精神错乱的孤独者虐待,导致了美国宾夕法尼亚州历史上最大规模的搜捕行{资源屯}。一名山区男子绑架了这位17岁的女孩,这是他为自己找到一个女人并永远留住她而制定的令人不寒而栗的计划。磨难就这样开始了。作者:Keith Rogers