When young Danny Lambert runs away from camp in south-central Colorado, he becomes the object of a park-wide-search by his wealthy father Robertson Lambert. He is found by Jerry Barker and told to wait at an abandoned look-out tower while he goes for help. Instead, Barker calls the father and demands $200,000 ransom. The money is delivered and Barker buries most of it. Meanwhile, the panicky boy has fallen from the tower to his death, and Barker drops the body off a cliff. The FBI, led by James Madden, capture Barker but can't convict him of kidnapping and he is given only five years for extortion and sent to Casabel Island Prison. There he is assigned a cell with Rollo Lambar, Alamo Smith, Benny Kelly and Machine Gun Mason. The FBI have now traced an affiliation between Barker and Emily Evans, a nurse at【ZiYuanTun.Com】 Danny's camp. The five cell-mates, led by Rollo, who plans to kill Benny and dress him in Barker's clothes to throw off the police, execute an underwater prison escape, and head ... 译文(2): 当年轻的丹尼 · 兰伯特(Danny Lambert)从科罗拉多州中南部的营地逃跑时,他成了富有的父亲罗伯逊 · 兰伯特(Robertson Lambert)在整个公园范围内搜寻的对{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。杰瑞 · 巴克找到了他,并告诉他在寻求帮助时在一个废弃的瞭望塔等待。相反,巴克打电话给父亲,要求20万美元的赎金。钱送到了,大部分都被巴克埋了。与此同时,惊慌失措的男孩从塔上坠落身亡,巴克尔将尸体从悬崖上扔了下去。由詹姆斯 · 马登领导的联邦调查局逮捕了巴克,但无法以绑架罪名起诉他,他只因敲诈勒索被判处五年徒刑,并被送往卡萨贝尔岛监狱。在那里,他与罗洛 · 兰巴尔、阿拉莫 · 史密斯、本尼 · 凯利和机关枪梅森被分配到一个牢房。联调局已经追踪到巴克和艾米丽 · 埃文斯之间的联系她是丹尼营地的一名护士。以罗洛为首的五名狱友计划杀死本尼并给他穿上巴克的衣服以摆脱警察的追捕执行一次水下越狱,然后头..。