'Kathryn Upside Down' follows the life of Kathryn, a mid-20's fashionista from the northshore of Chicago. One day at an upscale party, a toilet gets plugged; Kathryn's[ZiYuantun.Com] mother prompts her to call a plumber; upon his arrival, Kathryn quickly discovers the plumber is her biological father she's never met. As her world is turned upside down, Kathryn embarks on a journey of self-discovery with her new found father. It's Clueless meets Sixteen Candles in this sugar coated comedy. 译文(2): 《凯瑟琳颠倒》讲述了来自芝加哥北岸的20多岁的时尚达人凯瑟琳的生{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。有一天,在一个高档派对上,马桶被堵上了; 凯瑟琳的母亲提醒她叫一个水管工; 当他到来时,凯瑟琳很快发现这个水管工是她从未见过的亲生父亲。当她的世界被颠覆时,凯瑟琳和她新找到的父亲开始了一段自我发现的旅程。这是《独领风骚》和《十六支蜡烛》在这部糖衣喜剧中的结合。