In this utterly bizarre spaghetti western, the "Stranger" must cope with a wide assortment of strange villains. Through the course of the story he fights with Vikings who suddenly appear in a western ghost town; a strange Elizabethan family costumed in period clothing who live in a desert castle; and medieval knights whom he battles u【ZiYuanTun.Com】sing machine guns, TNT, and his gun. A bizarre silver ball hangs over the melees, watching the strange goings on. 译文(2): 在这个完全奇怪的意大利式西部片中,“陌生人”必须应付各种各样的奇怪的恶{资源屯}。在故事的整个过程中,他与突然出现在西部鬼城的维京人战斗; 与生活在沙漠城堡里的奇怪的伊丽莎白一家人战斗; 与他用机关枪、 TNT 炸药和他的枪与之战斗的中世纪骑士战斗。一个奇异的银球悬挂在混战中,看着奇怪的事情发生。