



    • 主演: 未知


    It's not easy to be 28 year old detective Robert Bogerud. He is the only detective in the country with Downs syndrome. He has own office, a trench-coat and a Bogart-hat. He is ready - all he needs is his fi[ZiYuantun.Com]rst case. Not even his father, a policeman, believes in Robert. One morning a mysterious lady turns up at his office. The skating legend Olav Stjernen has disappeared, and the family fears the worst. The reality is that they are in desperate need for an incompetent detective to please Olav Stjernens senile and awfully rich mother. Robert is the perfect man for the job! The family's secrets are far more dangerous than Robert expects, and with his own life on stake he sets out to get the truth. Maybe Robert is not so stupid as everyone thought? Written by OJT   译文(2): 做28岁的罗伯特 · 博格鲁德警探可不容{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他是全国唯一一个有唐氏综合症的警探。他有自己的办公室,一件风衣和一顶鲍嘉帽子。他准备好了,他只需要他的第一个案子。就连他当警察的父亲也不相信罗伯特。一天早上,一位神秘的女士出现在他的办公室。滑冰传奇 Olav Stjernen 失踪了,他的家人非常担心。现实情况是,他们迫切需要一个无能的侦探来取悦老迈富有的母亲奥拉夫 · 斯捷伦斯。罗伯特是这项工作的完美人选!这个家族的秘密比罗伯特想象的要危险得多,他用自己的生命冒险去寻找真相。也许罗伯特没有大家想的那么蠢?作者: OJT

