




    A corruption scandal pushes the De Moya family to go spend some time away from the public eye in the coastal town of Las Terrenas. For Sarah and her nanny Yarisa, it is a defining moment. Sarah is desperate to get away from the life that her family imposes on her in Santo Domingo, and as an avid free diver, she longs to be near the sea. Down there, in the quiet underwater world, she finds shelter. For Yarisa, this move means returning to the village whe[ZiYuantun.Com]re she is from, and to her daughter, Mallory, whom she had to leave in the care of family members 18 years ago. Now she must face the ghosts of her youth and the stormy relationship with her family and Mallory. Sarah has always wanted to be like Yarisa, to look like her, to be her daughter, that's why she is fascinated to meet Mallory, a 19-year-old girl who overflows in youth all of Yarisa's energy. In order to please her and assuage the strange moment Yarisa is living, Sarah invites Mallory to a party.   译文(2): 一桩腐败丑闻迫使德莫亚家族在沿海城市拉斯特雷纳斯度过一段远离公众视线的时{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。对莎拉和她的保姆雅丽莎来说,这是一个决定性的时刻。在圣多明哥,莎拉不顾一切地想摆脱家人强加给她的生活,作为一名狂热的自由潜水者,她渴望靠近大海。在那里,在安静的水下世界,她找到了庇护所。对于雅丽莎来说,这次搬家意味着回到她的家乡,回到她的女儿马洛里身边。18年前,她不得不把马洛里交给家人照顾。现在她必须面对自己年轻时的阴影以及与家人和马洛里之间暴风骤雨般的关系。莎拉一直想成为像雅丽莎一样的人,像她一样的人,成为她的女儿,这就是为什么她着迷于见到马洛里,一个19岁的女孩,她在年轻时充满了雅丽莎所有的能量。为了取悦她,缓和雅丽莎生活中的奇怪时刻,萨拉邀请马洛里参加一个聚会。

