Elang, who lived in the flat, is often haunted by images of bizarre murders involving a killer with a rabbit costume. His efforts to solve the mistery and save the lives of the people he presumed in danger, has in turn {Ziyuantun.Com}trapped him in a downward spiral and he became a suspect himself. In proving his innocence, he will be forced to unveil a horrible and long-buried secret. 译文(3): 住在公寓里的Elang经常被一个穿着兔子服装的杀手的离奇谋杀画面所困{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他试图解开谜团,拯救他认为处于危险中的人的生命,这反过来又使他陷入了恶性循环,他自己也成了嫌疑人。为了证明自己的清白,他将被迫揭开一个可怕的、埋藏已久的秘密。