An adaptation of Shyam Selvadurai's 1994 novel Funny Boy, the film centres on the coming of age of Arjie Chelvaratnam, a young Tamil boy in Sri Lanka who is coming to terms with his homosexuality against the backdrop of the increased tensions between Tamil and Sinhalese people before the breakout of the Sri Lankan Civil War. 译文(2): 影片改编自悉亚姆·塞瓦德瑞1994年的小说《滑稽男孩》 ,讲述了斯里兰卡年轻{Ziyuantun.Com}的泰米尔男孩阿杰?切尔瓦拉特南(Arjie Chelvaratnam)的成长故{资源屯}。在泰米尔人与僧伽罗人之间的紧张关系日益加剧的背景下,切尔瓦拉特南正在接受自己的同性恋斯里兰卡内战。