In a dry and dusty post-apocalyptic world, two wayfarers wander aimlessly until Leif finds a copy of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Using the world around him to interpret what he reads,【ZiYuanTun.Com】 Leif allows the book to challenge the beliefs, friendship, and even the very survival of these two divergent travelers. 译文(2): 在一个干燥、尘土飞扬的后启示录世界里,两个旅行者漫无目的地漫步,直到雷夫找到一本绿野仙{资源屯}。利用他周围的世界来解读他所读到的东西,Leif 允许这本书去挑战这两个不同旅行者的信仰,友谊,甚至是生存本身。