This heartwarming movie tells the story of a local war hero whose son goes off to war. His new wife brings Christian, his first son, in to the world while the young hero is away at war earning medals for valor. However, the tragedy that ensues on a cruel battlefield will change everyone's life forever as Tom Revere is laid to rest giving his ultimate sacrifice for freedom. Fourteen years pass and the young baby grows to be a teenager (Christian Revere) who, with his mother (Carrie Revere), comes back to the small town of Mount Columbus nestled in the Rocky Mountains during the holiday season to be with his family. Christian disconnects with his grandfather (Bob Revere) as they both are going through the pain of losing a Dad and the loss of a son by Bob. In this beautiful story of love and forgiveness, they discover a way to unite and to make a difference in their community by claiming their freedom of expression... 译文(2): 这部温馨的电影讲述了一个当地战争英雄的故事,他的儿子去打仗{资源屯}。他的新婚妻子带着他的大儿子克里斯蒂安来到这个世界,而这位年轻的英雄却在战场上为他的英勇行为赢得【ZiYuanTun.Com】奖章。然而,在残酷的战场上,随之而来的悲剧将永远改变每个人的生活,因为汤姆 · 里维尔为自由做出了最终的牺牲。十四年过去了,这个小婴儿长成了一个少年(克里斯蒂安 · 里维尔饰) ,他和他的母亲(凯莉 · 里维尔饰)在节日期间回到了位于落基山脉的小镇哥伦布山,和他的家人在一起。克里斯蒂安与他的祖父(鲍勃里维尔)断绝了联系,因为他们都经历了失去父亲和失去儿子的痛苦。在这个关于爱和宽恕的美丽故事中,他们发现了一种方法,通过声称他们的言论自由来团结和改变他们的社区。