
主演:Andreas 德博拉·S·克雷格 吉莉·西蒙 Lenore 斯图米·玛雅 


类型: 剧情 喜剧 电影 美国 2019

豆瓣ID:35075962 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt7146874 IMDb评分:5.4

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:伤心王子WEB-1080P下载 伤心王子免费下载 伤心王子 

时长:115 分钟

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In "Princ[ZiYuantun.Com]e Harming", Victoria, a strong woman in her mid-forties, falls in love with a man who turns out to be a sociopath. If it can happen to Victoria, it can happen to anyone. Victoria, an immigrant from Liechtenstein, meets her "Prince Charming", the Olympic star Max Bauer, whom she fancied as a teenager. After a number of embarrassing attempts to revive his career in Europe, Max Bauer tries to find fortune in "the land of endless opportunities". He flees to New York - directly into Victoria's arms and tiny apartment. It's love at first sight for both- or so it seems. As he gradually reveals his abusive side, the drama of their "asymmetrical relationship" develops, as the former world star uses his fading glory to first dazzle, then exploit and abuse her in every which way. She unsuspectingly holds on to the relationship, only to find herself in mortal danger.   译文(2): 在《伤害王子》中,维多利亚,一个四十多岁的强壮女人,爱上了一个反社会的男{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。如果能发生在维多利亚身上,那也能发生在任何人身上。来自列支敦士登的移民维多利亚遇到了她的“白马王子”,奥运明星马克斯 · 鲍尔,她在十几岁的时候就喜欢上了他。在经历了一系列令人尴尬的重振欧洲事业的尝试之后,麦克斯?鲍尔(Max Bauer)试图在“充满无限机遇的土地”中寻找财富。他逃到了纽约——直接进入了维多利亚的怀抱和狭小的公寓。对双方来说都是一见钟情——至少看起来是这样。随着他逐渐暴露自己虐待的一面,他们“不对称关系”的戏剧性发展,因为这位前世界明星利用他褪色的光辉首先耀眼,然后利用和虐待她的各种方式。她毫无疑问地维持着这段关系,结果却发现自己处于致命的危险之中。

