WALKING AGAINST THE RAIN tells the story of two strangers, Blair and Tommy who are navigating their way across a barren landscape in【ZiYuanTun.Com】 a desperate attempt to find each other. With their only form of communication being two soon-to-die battery operated radio mics and with a new evil in the shape of 'The Forsaken' tracking them down, they must learn to confront loss and rediscover a trust in humanity. 译文(2): 《雨中漫步》讲述了两个陌生人布莱尔和汤米的故事,他们在一片贫瘠的土地上艰难地寻找彼{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他们唯一的交流方式就是两个快没电的电池操作的无线电麦克风,还有一个新的邪恶形态“被遗弃者”在追踪他们,他们必须学会面对失去,重新找回对人性的信任。