Robert, a Canadian businessman depressed by a sense of failure of his personal and professional lives, attends an insurance convention in the US and inevitably has an affair with a woman there. He returns to his family in Montreal; his cold marriage to his wife Barbara and two sons ages 19 and 13. His family life continues to disintegrate when his older son becomes romantically involved with a night-club singer who encourages him to participate in protests on his campus and his younger son, confused and insecure, skips school and dreams of running away. His wife is stuck in the middle; she suspects Robert had an affair and no longer feels adequate as a mother and wife. Robert continues to become more distant from his family and is increasingly distraught with his lack of ambition, wishing to do [ZiYuantun.Com]something that matters. 译文(2): 罗伯特是一位加拿大商人,由于对自己个人生活和职业生涯的失败感而感到沮{资源屯}。他在美国参加一个保险业大会,不可避免地与一位美国女性发生了婚外情。他回到了蒙特利尔的家人身边,与妻子芭芭拉和两个分别为19岁和13岁的儿子冷冰冰地结了婚。他的家庭生活继续瓦解,因为他的大儿子与一位夜总会歌手发生了恋爱关系,这位歌手鼓励他参加校园抗议活动,而他的小儿子感到困惑和不安,逃学,梦想着逃跑。他的妻子被夹在中间,她怀疑罗伯特有外遇,不再觉得自己是个称职的母亲和妻子。罗伯特与家人的距离越来越远,他越来越为自己缺乏雄心壮志而心烦意乱,希望做一些有意义的事情。