
主演:娜塔莉·豪尔 迈克尔·拉代 Michael 芭芭拉·泰森 奥莉维亚·斯提尔·法奥康纳 Rhiannon 珥杜 






TAG:你是我疯狂HDTV下载 你是我疯狂免费下载 你是我疯狂 

时长:88 分钟


You're Bacon Me Crazy is a deliciously charming love story about Cleo, a spunky young chef with a popular food truck. With the help of her niece Tessa, Cleo's handcrafted Italian sandwiches have become a favorite of the bustling and competitive Portland food scene. But when Gabe, the handsome chef of a rival food truck called the Bacon Wagon, parks across the street, Cleo's goal to win a local food truck competition takes a spicy turn. With Gabe's help and her family's encouragement, Cleo comes to learn that she's not going to win if she doesn't push herself. As she comes to realize that owning her own restaurant is what she wants most, she also begins to understand that her food isn't the only thing that could use some TLC. The only way Cleo can have everything she wants is if she adds the most important ingredient to both her cooking and her life. And that's love.   译文(2): 你是培根我疯狂是一个美味迷人的爱情故事 Cleo,一个勇敢的年轻厨师与一个受欢迎的餐{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在侄女 Tessa 的帮助下,Cleo 手工制作的意大利三明治已经成为波特兰{Ziyuantun.Com}食品市场繁忙竞争的最爱。但是,当竞争对手培根餐车(Bacon Wagon)的帅气厨师盖比(Gabe)把车停在街对面时,克里奥赢得当地美食餐车比赛的目标出现了转折。在 Gabe 的帮助和家人的鼓励下,Cleo 意识到如果她不努力,就不会赢。当她开始意识到拥有自己的餐厅是她最想要的,她也开始明白,她的食物不是唯一可以使用一些 TLC 的东西。Cleo 能得到她想要的一切的唯一方法就是在她的烹饪和生活中加入最重要的原料。这就是爱。

