
主演:Vanni 马克·波雷尔 恩英蒂卡·內穆尔 芭芭拉·马尼奥尔菲 斯特凡妮娅·达·玛丽约 安娜·金尼曼 


类型: 剧情 惊悚 恐怖 电影 意大利 1978

豆瓣ID:3344790 豆瓣评分:5.7

IMDb链接: tt0078300 IMDb评分:5.0

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:厄休拉的诅咒1080P蓝光下载 厄休拉的诅咒免费下载 厄休拉的诅咒 

时长:96 分钟

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Two Austrian sisters Dagmar and Ursula Beyne go on holiday along the Amalfi coast in Italy, in the hope of finding their mother, who deserted them when they were young, they have recently inherited some money after the death of their father and want to share some of it with their mother. Ursula is quite a fragile girl though and on medication ever since the loss of her father. She also is somewhat telepathic and can foresee bad events in an instant. They book into a local hotel where Ursula's visions continue, she tells Dagmar her sister to stay clear of Filippo, a man who hangs out in the hotel bar as she says he will cause her death. Filippo is a heroin addict whose lover "Stella Shining" is the night club singer at the hotel, but that relationship is soon in trouble and Filippo makes his move on Dag{Ziyuantun.Com}mar. Meanwhile a masked and leather gloved man hires a local hooker, he wants to be a voyeur while she makes love to another man, she agrees and he hides behind the curtains in her room to watch the proceedings. When the deed is done the stranger savagely kills the hooker. Ursula wakes from her sleep with a scream, as she has felt that something bad has happened, she pleads with Dagmar that they should leave this place before its too late, but they disagree and stay. A young amorous teenage couple are turned away from the hotel and make their bed in a deserted part of the hotel, mid coitus they are interrupted by the killer, who slashes the boys throat before doing heinous acts on the girl. The shocking murders continue in abundance as the frantic search for the killer continues...   译文(2): 奥地利姐妹达格玛和厄休拉 · 贝恩沿着 Amalfi coast 度假,希望能找到她们的母{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。她们小时候就被母亲抛弃了。最近,她们在父亲去世后继承了一些遗产,想和母亲分享一部分。厄休拉是一个非常脆弱的女孩,虽然和药物自从她的父亲失去了。她还有点心灵感应能力,能在一瞬间预见不好的事情。他们预订了当地的一家旅馆,乌苏拉的幻觉仍在继续,她告诉达格玛她的妹妹远离菲利普,一个男人挂在旅馆的酒吧,因为她说他会导致她的死亡。Filippo 是一个海洛因成瘾者,他的情人“ Stella Shining”是酒店的夜总会歌手,但是这段关系很快陷入麻烦,Filippo 对 Dagmar 采取了行动。与此同时,一个戴着面具和皮手套的男人雇佣了一个当地的妓女,他想成为一个偷窥者,而她与另一个男人做爱,她同意了,他躲在她房间的窗帘后面观看整个过程。事成之后,陌生人残忍地杀死了妓女。厄休拉从睡梦中惊醒,因为她觉得有什么不好的事情发生了,她恳求达格玛,他们应该离开这个地方,以免太晚,但他们不同意,留下来。一对多情的年轻情侣被酒店拒之门外,他们在酒店一个废弃的地方整理床铺,正在交媾的时候,凶手打断了他们,割断了男孩的喉咙,然后对女孩做出了令人发指的行为。令人震惊的谋杀案仍在继续疯狂地寻找凶手。

