




    Sent to jail for stealing a loaf of bread, Jean Valjean has every reason for hating humanity and embarking on a life of crime when he is released twenty years later. The gesture of a kindly bishop changes his perspective and he decides instead to live the life of a good a[ZiYuantun.Com]nd honest man. Through hard work over many years, Valjean becomes a successful industrialist and mayor of a small town, respected by all as a great benefactor. But everything he has achieved is suddenly lost when Inspector Javert, a former guard at the prison where he served, recognises Valjean and decides to arrest him for a minor offence he committed years ago. Valjean would have submitted to arrest had he not already made a promise to one of his employees, Fantine, just before she died. Moved by Fantine�s tragic story, Valjean has agreed to adopt her daughter Cosette, who is currently in the care of the unscrupulous innkeeper Th�nardier and his wife. To fulfil his promise, Valjean must flee from Javert and assume a new identity. Some years later, Valjean and Cosette have settled in Paris, at a time when an uprising against the restored monarchy is fermenting. A young revolutionary, Marius, falls in love with Cosette, but events conspire to keep them apart. Meanwhile, the stone-hearted Javert is not far away, and he is as intent as ever that Valjean be brought to justice...   译文(2): 冉阿让因为偷了一条面包而被送进监狱,二十年后被释放时,他有充分的理由憎恨人性,开始了犯罪生{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一位仁慈的主教的姿态改变了他的观点,他决定过一种善良诚实的人的生活。经过多年的努力,冉阿让成为了一位成功的实业家和一个小镇的镇长,被所有人尊敬为一个伟大的恩人。但是,他所取得的一切成就突然失去了沙威督察,一个前狱警在他服刑的监狱,承认冉阿让,并决定逮捕他的轻微罪行,他几年前犯下的。如果冉阿让在她死前没有向他的一个雇员 Fantine 许下承诺的话,他早就被逮捕了。受到 Fantine 的悲剧故事的感动,冉阿让已经同意收养她的女儿珂赛特,她现在由肆无忌惮的旅店老板蒂纳迪尔和他的妻子照顾。为了实现他的诺言,冉阿让必须逃离沙威,换一个新的身份。几年后,冉阿让和珂赛特在巴黎定居下来,当时反对恢复君主制的起义正在酝酿之中。一个年轻的革命者,马吕斯,爱上了珂赛特,但事情密谋使他们分开。与此同时,铁石心肠的沙威就在不远处,他一如既往地坚决要将冉阿让绳之以法..。

