Prior to the Normandy landings three replacements are assigned to the 1st Platoon, "D" Company, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. Amongst them is Private Mason (Tom Tryon) who doesn't get along with his fellow paratroopers but is kept in the unit by his platoon commander Lt. Pauling (Jan Merlin). Soon[ZiYuantun.Com] after the drop, Lt. Pauling is blinded and Mason learns how to be a paratrooper when he takes care of his Lieutenant. 译文(3): 在诺曼底登陆之前,三名替补队员被分配到第1排;D”;第502伞步兵团{资源屯}。其中包括二等兵梅森(汤姆·特赖恩饰),他与伞兵同伴相处不好,但由排长鲍林中尉(简·梅林饰)留在部队。