Cut to Oliva, who is hooking up with her hunky boyfriend named R[ZiYuantun.Com]yan. She is a writer who is struggling to pull her life together after a string of back luck. She gets kicked out of her apartment for being behind on rent by four months, loses her job, and catches Ryan cheating. (Oh, and also her parents are dead.) 译文(2): 镜头切换到奥利维亚,她正在和她的帅气男友瑞安约{资源屯}。她是一个作家,在一连串的倒霉事之后,她正在努力使自己的生活恢复正常。她因为拖欠四个月房租被赶出了公寓,丢了工作,还发现 Ryan 作弊。(哦,她的父母也去世了。)