Carry On系列之护士也疯狂

Carry On系列之护士也疯狂



    • 主演: 未知


    Set in Haven Hospital where a certain men's【ZiYuanTun.Com】 ward is causing more havoc than the whole hospital put together. The formidable Matron's debut gives the patients a chill every time she walks past, with only Reckitt standing up to her. There's a colonel who is a constant nuisance, a bumbling nurse, a romance between Ted York and Nurse Denton, and Bell who wants his bunion removed straight away, so after drinking alcohol, the men decide to remove the bunion themselves!   译文(2): 故事发生在港湾医院某个男病房造成的破坏比整个医院加起来还要严{资源屯}。令人敬畏的护士长的首次亮相给病人一个寒冷,每次她走过去,只有利洁时站在她。有一个上校是个讨厌鬼,一个笨手笨脚的护士 Ted York 和 Denton 护士之间的浪漫故事,还有 Bell 他想立刻切除拇囊炎,所以在喝了酒之后,男人们决定自己切除拇囊炎!

