Supernatural/Horror set against the backdrop of Bangkok, Thailand. After a high-speed police chase leads to an unexpected crash, two American bank robbers and their three local hostages take shelter in a mysterious manor in the woods. As the criminals plot their next move and the hostages try to escape, they begin to realize{Ziyuantun.Com} no one is safe from the evil lurking inside the house. 译文(2): 泰国曼谷背景下的超自然/恐{资源屯}。在警察高速追捕导致意外碰撞之后,两名美国银行劫匪和他们的三名当地人质在树林里的一个神秘庄园里避难。当罪犯计划下一步行动,人质试图逃跑时,他们开始意识到没有人是安全的,因为屋子里潜伏着邪恶。